Lose Weight With Hypnosis


Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight—For Good

Are you struggling with the motivation to lose weight? Would you love to shift those pesky extra kilos easily?

Close your eyes. Imagine your food cravings floating away. Imagine days and nights of eating only what’s good for you. Imagine hypnosis actually helping you lose the weight you want. The best news is hypnosis can help you get rid of excess weight for good. Repeated studies by Harvard Medical School and other researchers support the legitimate claims of respected hypnotherapists.

You don’t really need another crash diet or the latest appetite suppressant. Reprogramme beliefs that make you crave weight-creating foods and replace them with slimming feel-good thoughts that change habits. You have everything you need to succeed.

This downloadable MP3 file has been created and narrated by holistic therapist and Certified Hypnotist Cassandra Gaisford. Listen from the comfort of your own bed to support your weight-loss dreams.

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